Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a plunge pool cost?
Each Newcastle backyard is unique, so an accurate installation quote requires a site inspection. Factors like soil quality, access, and easements can all impact installation costs. Generally speaking our plunge pools start at $40,000++.
What pool shapes do you offer?
We provide both custom and precast concrete plunge pools. While custom pools allow for more personalised designs, our precast options can be installed in just a few days. Contact us to get a quote for your ideal pool size and shape.
Can I install an above-ground plunge pool?
Is a fence required around an above-ground pool?
How often should I change the water in my plunge pool?
How long should the pump run each day?
Do you offer magnesium options?
Yes, we include magnesium mineral systems as part of our standard packages.*
What should I consider before buying a plunge pool?
Think about your backyard layout to determine where your plunge pool will fit best. Pools come in various shapes and sizes, so whether you’re envisioning a round, rectangular, or customised design, we’ll help you find the ideal solution. Remember to plan for decking or patio space around the pool for a seamless outdoor area.